

I was born to Turin, although my origins are seasoned with the warm flavors of the South of Italy… 43 years passed by since then and not many less since the first time “I shuddered” before an audience… although the stage belonged to the oratory and the director was Sister Marcellina…
But you need to start from somewhere, and so does the passion… and often it happens to be while facing a mirror with the remote control in your hands that you start breathe such passion…


Up to now I alternated and overlapped various artistic experiences, such as piano-bar events, the rhythm’ n blues bands, up to live music events with the support of various musicians who often have very different backgrounds, in Italy and abroad.


Each one of these performances, no matter how small or big, educated me to practice in a job where, apparently, theory and gift for music cannot be enough without will and perseverance.
And today, this completeness remains my goal!


My artistic journey and my experiences told through the photo gallery …